“Serving with All My Heart” – December 11th, 2024

Dear Church Family,
One of the core values of my parents was to not do things half- heartedly. My father was a custom tailor so precision and excellence were high on his list of virtues. Half- hearted and insincere effort do not please our heavenly Father either. Serving with all our hearts brings a smile to His face.
On Sunday we will continue our study in the book or Romans. Our text is Romans 1:11-13. The title of the message is “Serving With All My Heart. Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are Numbers 12:1-3, Colossians 1:28-29, and Philippians 4:17. May the Lord bless our time in this meaningful passage.
May your service be an act of worship to the One who gave Himself for you. Have a blessed day in Jesus!
In His Matchless Grace,
Pastor Joe