“The ABC’s of Christ’s Coming” – April 3rd, 2024

Dear Church Family,
Where would a person be without knowing their ABCs? The wonderful world of reading would be lost and they would be severely restricted in what they can learn and from whom they can glean insights and wisdom. Many misconceptions are fostered in a multitude of areas because people don’t have the ABCs correct in a given area of life. ABCs are fundamental to learning and understanding.
On Sunday we will be looking at Matthew 24:32-36. The title of the message is “The ABC’s of Christ’s Coming.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are Zechariah 14:3-4, Mark 13:32, and John 17:17. I pray that our time in God’s Word will give you greater insight and conviction about the Lord and His coming.
May your life rest upon the rock of His Word and character. God bless you and stay close to Jesus.
IN His Matchless Grace,
Pastor Joe