“The Perils of Self-Reformation” – August 31st, 2022

Dear Church Family,
We all are less than perfect and have “worked on being better” in a number of areas of life. That is fine and good, but improving oneself compared to divine reformation is like comparing a blade of grass to a one acre field of lush green pasture.
On Sunday morning we will be examining Matthew 13:43-45. The title of the message is “The Perils of Self-Reformation.” Other verses that will prepare your heart for the message are Matthew 8:16-17, John 13:27, and 2 Corinthians 6:16-18. I pray that you will find our time in God’s Word to be interesting and beneficial.
May the One who loves you continue to make you more like Himself. Have a wonderful day!
In His Matchless Grace,
Pastor Joe