“The Model Servant: Part I” – July 20th, 2022

Dear Church Family
Who doesn’t love to be served? I love when my wife cooks for me. I enjoy when someone sets up chairs for an event instead of me. I appreciate someone who helps me on the computer or with other skills that don’t come naturally to me. Yes, I love to be served.
God loves it when we serve as well. On Sunday morning we will be looking at Matthew 12:15-18. The sermon title is “The Model Servant: Part I.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s word are Isaiah 42:1-3, Acts 10:38, and Romans 12:10-11. I am excited to be together on Sunday morning.
Rob and Nicole Plaster, our missionaries to France, will teach a combined adult Sunday School class at 10:00 am in the sanctuary and be with us for the 12:15 picnic after the second service. It should be a great day! Until then, God bless you as you serve Jesus!
Because of Jesus,
Pastor Joe