“Influencing the World” – January 6th, 2021

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“Influencing the World” – January 6th, 2021

Dear Church Family,

One of the challenges of the Christian life is to influence the world around us. People are lost in absolute darkness and are without hope and without God in this world. Being an influence is harder now than at any time in my life. The circumstances around us have changed, but the means of change remain the same.

On Sunday we will be looking at Matthew 5:13-16. The title of the message is “ Influencing the World.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s word are Philippians 2:14-16I Peter 2:11-12, and Acts 1:8. May the Lord enable us to live out the words of these verses until Jesus returns.

Have a nice day as you represent the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

In His Matchless Grace

Pastor Joe