“The Marks of a Minister” – May 15th, 2019

Dear Church Family,
Isn’t it wonderful to know what you are looking for in a doctor, a lawyer, a mechanic, a spouse, or any number of any other things? I certainly feel better about my quest when I know the marks of a person that will admirably fulfill that given role.
On Sunday we will be examining 2 Corinthians 11:23-29. The message title is “The Marks of a Minister.” Other verses that will prepare you for our time in God’s Word are Numbers 11:11-15, Psalm 78:70-72, and I Corinthians 4:8-13. The marks that Paul mentions are not all inclusive, but they are critical. I hope to see you on Sunday.
May you enjoy the beautiful weather that is on the way. God bless you and keep yourself close to Jesus!
Because of Jesus,
Pastor Joe